Service maintenance of engineering systems

Service maintenance of engineering systems

To ensure further uninterrupted operation, any engineering system, after commissioning, requires the necessary service support. Techno Construction specialists will provide qualified service, thereby extending the service life of the equipment and preventing possible emergencies.

For the convenience of our customers, we can offer various options for service contracts:

  • routine maintenance;
  • one-time calls to service engineers;
  • appointment of service specialists on duty at the facility.

It should be remembered that all manufacturing plants in the technical documentation for most of their products indicate that uninterrupted and long service of devices is possible with regular service.
A competent customer always understands that the availability of a service, as well as a competent selection of a maintenance schedule, will allow him to save on the maintenance service, and also save him from the likely high costs due to the failure of expensive equipment, which requires regular service.